Agricultural products

Our Company's vast product range includes materials for lime and fertilizer, as well as raw materials used in biogas plants.


Liquid fertilizer (manure, digestate), solid fertilizers (compost, sludge, dry digestate, solid manure), export, sale and spreading into soil with the aid of specialized equipment.

Raw materials for biogas plants

Delivery of different products on the biogas plant: liquid manure, by-products of plant crops, by-products processing undertakings for processing of agricultural products and organic wastes and various energy crops.


• Molasses
• Beer pellet
• Wheat, barley, rye bran
• Silo

Upon request, we can also supply other feed products.


Kaspars Mežbrakšis
Head of Agricultural Services Department

+371 28808260

Stasys Admikaitis
Sales Manager in Lithuania

+370 60223301